We’ve come a long way… but there’s a cycle here. If you’ve been riding along, you’ve seen it too. “The height of insanity,” they say, “is to do the same thing and expect different results.”

So let’s deal with it.

K1NG ELJAY’s “PTSD” is an honest, vivid journey that highlights his previous (and, current) struggles in a way that’s relatable to those who’ve been there.

… I hope you hear my heart on this one.

Executive Produced by K1NG ELJAY & Akil Pratt.
Creative Direction by K1NG ELJAY
Photo credits to The Bountiful K (Kaiser S.)
Artwork by Tony Davison (credits image by K1NG ELJAY)
Narration of Psychiatry.org statistics provided by C. Kelly of BlanketFortStudio and Kay Shenaye
All songs mixed/mastered by Akil Pratt

· k1ng eljay, lp, usa, bandcamp · discuss on twitter