Tony Stanza, 5ifth Element - Brother Roogie

Tony Stanza and 5ifth Element tell the story of Brother Roogie. When the FBI was investigating the Black Panther Party, they interrogated several party members about someone named Brother Roogie, who was mentioned in several conversations amongst party members. The FBI heard this when they used illegal wire taps against the Black Panther Party. The FBI did not know that Brother Roogie was a code term for marijuana. Due to the frequent mention of Brother Roogie in conversations, the FBI believed this was a key member of the organization and was a “person of high interest.” Stanza and Element remind us of the story of Brother Roogie.
All songs written by Tony Stanza
All songs produced by 5ifth Element and Consciou5
Features wrote they own bars
Art layout by Tony Stanza and 5ifth Element
Mixed and Mastered by Surajudeen Adebayo

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